
It Hurts to Let Go...

November 1, 2017
Lightening a physical load of stuff works wonders to lighten your mental and emotional load as well.
It Hurts to Let Go or Hold On?
...but Sometimes it Hurts More to Hold On. 

There are many reasons that clutter accumulates in our space.  It can be because of delayed decisions, not creating a home for everything or simply having more than you actually have space in which to keep everything.  But when it comes to decluttering and letting go of the stuff that no longer serves us, we often balk at the process. As good as we know we will feel when we have less stuff, we don't want to let it go. It feels like losing a part of us, even if it's a part of us we don't particularly like or use. We think only of how it will feel to get rid of the item. We seldom think about all the other things that we will be letting go of. For instance, when we let go of our clutter, we are also letting go of visual overwhelm, of having to take care of the item(s), of spending time moving it around the house, of any feelings of guilt or regret for buying it. Hard to believe that clutter can have so much baggage, isn't it? Lightening a physical load of stuff works wonders to lighten your mental and emotional load as well.    
Here's a great article if you'd like to read more about this topic. 
Here is the question:  
Is your clutter worth the mental and emotional price that you are paying to keep it?